Saturday 3 June 2017


Humans and animals sInce ancient times humans have used many types of animals for a vast range of different purposes. Meat, milk and honey Humans have always hunted eaten wild animals. Milk from such animals as cows, goats, sheep. camels. Maneater A tigress known as the Champawat maneater. afl the part Of India in which lived. killed a record 436 over five years„ She was shot 1907 by British big-gam ter Colonel Jim Corbe (1875-1955). buffalo, reindeer. llamas and yaks is drunk, used in cooking and made into butter and cheese- The eggs from birds such as hens, ducks, geese and quail are another important food. Honey has long been taken from the hives of wild bees, and now from domesticated bees kept in artificial hives. Wool, fur and skin Wool is shorn from live Sheep, then regrow their coats. The fur and leather of many Other animals tan be taken only after the animal has been killed. Cattle. goats, Gabbits, mink, seals, wolves, foxes. kangaroos, big cats such as leopards, and alligators and snakes are among the many animals that have been used in this way, There are some very special uses for animal skin: for example, medieval manuscripts were written on vellum, made from calfskin. Silk Silk comes from the silkworm, the caterpillar of the silkmoth Silkworms eat about a ton of mulberry leaves to make 1 1 lb. (S kg) Of silk.

Beasts of burden and transport Strong animals such as horses, donkeys, camels. reindeer and buffalo are used to pull agricultural equipment and carts, and to carry people. Elephants drag heavy logs. pit ponies once drew trucks in coal mines, and dogs—usually huskies—pull sleds. Security Guard dogs (and even guard geese), police dogs and sniffer dogs (to detect drugs) are Widely used. Helpers Sheepdogs. hunting hounds, retrievers and guide dogs for the blind are among the best known, but other animals, such as monkeys, can be trained to aid the disabled. Search and rescue dogs help to find missing people, lost walkers and climbers, and earthquake victims. Less well-known human helpers include pigs used to find truffles (edible fungi) and Cats kept by the British Post Office to prevent mice from eating the mail! Animals kept as pets also provide millions of people with companionship, Military The warhorse is one of the most familiar Of all military animals, but elephants have also been successfully used in battles Many military organizations use dogs, goats and Other animals as regimental mascots. Message-carrying dogs and carrier pigeons have been used by armies. During the Iraq war 2004, dolphins were trained to find mines.

Cool cars from the 1980s