Sunday 4 June 2017


From the start, Vancouver has been a place of multiculturalism. The influx of immigrants
has been continual and steady over the years, and the spirit of inclusion extends to all
corners of life. You'll see Vancouver's profound diversity when you explore local
neighbourhoods. Young and old, able-bodied and mobility impaired, single and
married, gay and straight — Vancouver is welcoming to all. This is one city where vou'll
never feel less than accepted for who you are.
Vancouver is also a city where broad-mindedness is woven into the very fabric of
the culture. These aren't just abstract concepts, but words that local citizens live
by. Just take a look at the calendar of events with its dizzying variety of annual festivals
You'll discover celebrations dedicated to professional rodeo, Shakespeare. jazz.
comedy, gay and lesbian films, chamber music, fireworks and even dragon
boats — each group finding its niche and celebrating the unique things that help
create the city's complex culture.
Vancouver is also a city that's accessible to all, with an airport that is
consistently rated one of the world's best for those with mobility impairments.
Many local businesses have activities and events tailored specifically for those
with special needs.
Regardless of your background, abilities, interests or character traits.
Vancouver is famous for offering an experience that will make you feel right
at home.

Cool cars from the 1980s